Helping Us Help Others
Supporting the LGBTQ+ Community Since 2016
Who We Are
Our organization helps people and organizations that support addiction recovery in the LGBTQ+ community. Ever since our organization has been founded, we have provided over $100,000 of support to the LGBTQ+ community.
Lend Us a Hand
Whether you want to donate a small or large amount of money to our organization, we will be grateful to you with all of our hearts. Your help will certainly help change the trajectory of someone’s life.

A Letter From Kevin Owens
“I Truly Believe That Nothing I Have Accomplished Would Have Been Possible If I Was Not A Person In Recovery.”
Feburary of each year marks the anniversary of Brock's death. As most of you know, I sponsored Brock. He had a tremendous impact on my life. Through him, I learned the importance of selfless service and being committed to those who could not fend for themselves suffering from addiction, especially those in the LGBTQ+ community. Having a daily reprieve from alcohol and drugs is a formidable task on its own without throwing in the obstacles, homophobia, bullying, and discrimination that many in the LGBTQ + community face. Just now in Florida, the State Legislation supports the anti-LGBTQ+ bill DON'T SAY GAY. It seems the fight for Equality for the LGBTQ+ community never ends.
Brock challenged me not to be a silent observer, but to be a voice, and be heard. To make a difference, one person at a time, especially for those in the LGBTQ+ community.
Since 2016, we have donated over $100,000 in aid to individuals and organizations that support RECOVERY in the LGBTQ+ community. Those donations are made possible by people like you.
We pride ourselves on being on the front line in the battle of addiction, where we believe we can do the most good.
Feel free to donate today in memory of Brock or for our fight to support the LGBTQ+ Recovery community.
Bequests and Estate Giving to From Brock Haney With Love: A Gift With Impact
A bequest is a gift from your estate—a transfer of cash, securities, or other property made through your estate plans.
You can make a bequest to the From Brock Haney With Love Inc. by including language in your will or living trust leaving a portion of your estate to the From Brock Haney With Love Inc., or by designating the From Brock Haney With Love Inc. as a beneficiary of your retirement account or life insurance policy.
Remembering the From Brock Haney With Love Inc. with a bequest from your estate will help sustain and strengthen the From Brock Haney With Love Inc., in years to come. Some of the advantages of creating a bequest include: